10 Simple and Natural Remedies for Headaches

How To Get Rid of Headaches the Natural Way

When headaches become intolerable, most people resort to painkillers to ease the throbbing pain. However, while over-the-counter drugs may provide immediate relief to headaches, the fact remains that the cause of headache remains unaddressed. Studies show that regular intake of painkillers for an extended period of time may trigger kidney damage and other side effects. Read on to see some simple and natural headache remedies ….

Utilizing something spicy may not sound headache helpful, but cayenne is a well known natural remedy to treat pain and inflammation. The secret behind its success lies in an ingredient called capsaicin, which inhibits pain perception in our bodies called Substance P. Substance P is part of what makes us feel pain, and the capsaicin depletes it. Numerous studies, the first in 1998 in The Clinical Journal of Pain, support that when applied topically to the nasal passages; people experience a significant decrease in the severity of their headaches, all thanks to capsaicin.
Dilute a ½ teaspoon of cayenne powder in 4 ounces of warm water. Soak a cotton swab in the solution and stir it around to make sure it’s covered-the powder can sometimes sink to the bottom. Apply the moist swab gently to the inside of each nostril until you can feel the heat. It may be a bit unpleasant at first, but take the burning sensation as a sign that it’s working. When it subsides, your headache will hopefully be wiped out, or at the very least better than before.
Instead of popping a pill at the first sign of a headache, try almonds at the onset of symptoms instead. Tension headaches have been helped by eating a handful or two of almonds. This is due to something called salicin, which is also an agent in popular over the counter killers.
Note: People who suffer from migraines may find that almonds are a trigger food
Peppermint oil has a wonderfully soothing effect when you’re suffering from a headache, easing the discomfort and clearing your mind. It can be applied to various places, and it works quickly to relieve pain. Massage the peppermint oil onto your temples, the back of your jaw, and forehead. You will feel a cooling sensation upon applying it. Breathe deeply, and if possible, find a quiet place to relax and sip some cool water. If you have sensitive skin and find that it irritates it, try diluting it with a bit of olive oil or water.
Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has a long history in realm of natural remedies and has been used to relieve a range of illnesses from scurvy through to hay fever, and a host of other ailments that fall in between. If you feel the familiar symptoms of a throbbing headache, try using ACV in the form of a steam-style treatment. Simply pour ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar into a large bowl, and then fill the bowl halfway with boiling water. Place a towel over your head so that it drapes over the bowl, trapping the steam, and hold your face over it. Make sure your face isn’t so close that it gets burned by the steam. Do this for 5-10 minutes, or when the water starts to cool down, breathing in and out deeply the whole time. When you’re done, use the towel to pat your face dry, and go drink a glass of cool water.

Some recent small-scale studies have shown the ingestion of fish oil can help reduce migraines and head pain, thanks to its omega-3 fatty acids, which also promotes heart health. The American Heart Association states that the ingredients in fish oil may help reduce inflammation, blood clotting, lower blood pressure, and steady heart rhythm. Those actions in turn may help reduce head pain because it may reduce the inflammation of blood cells that press and pinch on nerves. You can use either a tablespoon of fish oil OR fish oil oral supplements (following the doseage on the bottle) and mix into a glass of cold orange juice to make it more palatable.
Headaches, particularly migraines, can be relieved through the use of the feverfew plant. When a migraine is in the works your blood vessels are changing, and theories suggest that the vessels in your head are expanding and pressing on nerves. Feverfew has been confirmed to relax the tension/constricted blood vessels, thus easing the painful pressure. It also reduces inflammation and pain overall with a substance called parthenolide, which has results similar to taking a daily aspirin, but without the side effects. Simply add 1 ounce of fresh or dried feverfew flowers to 1 pint of boiling water. Allow to steep for 10 minutes, and then strain. Drink half a cup twice a day as needed.
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is frequently added to food to enhance its flavor. It is derived from an amino acid, called glutamic acid, which occurs naturally in some foods. Many people who suffer headaches find that foods containing MSG act as triggers for migraines or other types of headaches, possibly due to the fact that it excites our neurons. Read food labels carefully to check if the product has MSG. The FDA is requires companies to list it, however it can also be disguised as a component of other ingredients. Watch for some of these names, which can be “hidden” sources of MSG (and be extra cautious around Chinese food, processed meats, canned vegies, gravy/soup/dip mixes, and soy-based items): Gelatin, Yeast extract, Anything “hydrolyzed”, Textured protein.
Chocolate contains various degrees of caffeine, which is a well known trigger for some people for headaches. If you are affected in this way it stands to reason that coffee, tea and caffeine laden fizzy drinks should also be avoided.
Something so simple as improving your posture can make all the difference when it comes to tension-type headaches. More and more of us spend our days working in an office or sitting down at a computer with infrequent movement, and most of us are guilty of poor posture, slouching, slumping and hunching forward, which puts a strain on our muscles which leads to nasty headaches. Try using an ergonomic chair if you spend a lot of time sitting down, and make a conscious effort to sit up straight and tall but relaxed, shoulders back, chest open, and your neck not sticking too far forward. Working on strengthening core muscles helps a lot with posture, since balance and the strength to support ourselves properly comes from our center in the mainpart.
Most of us don’t always drink enough water daily, and that alone is a common cause of headaches. Coffee, alcohol, and sugary sodas can dehydrate you (hence the pounding headache that comes along with a hangover) and should be avoided as much as possible. At the first sign of a headache, drink a large glass of water, and then continue to sip throughout the day. Gradually the pain should start to ease up. Simply drinking water may seem too obvious or simple to actually work as a headache remedy but it can, and does.
There are of course many more simple remedies - too often we humans often just seem to feel the need to make things more complicated than they are. Share with anyone who you know suffers from headaches.

Source : www.everydayroots.com